Sunday, September 22, 2013

Ivan Tirado Listens to Soul's Song

"I am inspired by the fluidity, dynamism, and power of the human body. I experiment with techniques and media that allow me to portray the figure in its balance between vivacity, emotion, strength, and sensibility. I aim to provide each piece with its own soul, a life, and a story to tell on its own."

--Ivan Tirado

Ivan Tirado always reaching, always grasping hold onto what makes Soul sing. His ability to capture the energy, the sensuous song of Soul connecting it to still life is the epitome of human creation. Entombing Soul in each sculpture raises each to immortality, hitting an harmonic chord with our own individual Soul's song. Both songs intertwining, creating Life in each.

The different depths of clay creates the three dimensional sculpture, however, isn't each truly four dimensional as Soul's song begins to flow melodiously from within? Ivan's stroke of each tool and his hands forms the sculptures creating the beauty and bringing to life inanimate objects. We might think each rub, each scraping is deliberate and controlled; but the true question by whom or what?
Ivan brings to life what we cannot see: 

The Soul of Wind and its force;

"Wind" - relief - by Ivan Tirado

The Soul of Aqua and its flow;

"Aqua" - relief - by Ivan Tirado

The Soul of Mermaid a mystical/mythical created into tangible forms;

"Mermaid" - sculpture - by Ivan Tirado

always reaching and grasping onto what makes Soul sing so their life's story can be told. A connection Ivan listens to instead of pushing it aside. By hearing Soul's song begin to emerge as the clay takes form he moves with song, he follows its flow until form is created. Soul sings louder, Ivan meticulously sculpts, molds the clay to take it to its fullest creation until Life is infused and Soul is free.

Ivan Tirado's works will be on exhibit at Sobobo Gallery during the month of October. Come join us and learn more of Ivan's creations on Thursday, October 17 th for an exhibit reception beginning at 6:30 pm.

Sobobo is located at 42 Naugatuck Avenue, Walnut Beach in Milford, CT. Gallery hours are Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays Noon to 6:00 pm (year round). If you wish to make an appointment to see his work on Mondays, Tuesday, or Wednesdays, please call for an appointment.