Saturday, January 2, 2010



Chanukah is over. The traditional celebration of Christmas in the United States is over. Kwanzaa has ended. How sad. Some are glad the celebration is over. Some are thinking about next year's celebration and some are still thinking about their celebration to come this year. Yes, that's correct, there are many who have not yet celebrated their Season of Giving!

As we know the Twelve Days of Christmas according to the Western Calendar had begun on Christmas Day, December 25Th. So, if calculations are correct we should be celebrating the Ninth Day of Christmas....

Now according to the Eastern Calendar, which encompasses the orthodox religions, Russian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, and so on, the Twelve Days of Christmas began in the evening of Christmas Day (December 25Th) and the actual First Day of Christmas is December 26Th. So, if calculations are correct we should be celebrating the Eighth Day of Christmas....

Traditions in both celebrations are almost the same since gifts are exchanged each night of the Twelve Days of Christmas.

But so many don't realize that all of this leads to the day (or the Twelfth Day of Christmas) the Three Wise Men arrived at the manger. The Three Wise Men were astrologers and/or astronomers who studied the stars in the Heavens. They used the stars as navigation in their travels.

As the story goes, they knew and understood the prophecies that upon the appearance of a new bright star showing in the Heavens a Great King would be born to mankind and that His birth would bring Peace On Earth. But with that knowledge, King Herod who had heard about it decided that all male infants should be annihilated (ethnic cleansing? or genocide?) for fear that his own existence would be overthrown by this Great King and he would then lose all of his riches. Such a hateful and greedy person...

The Three Wise Men, or Three Kings, arrived bearing gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh in honor of Jesus. They told Joseph and Mary of King Herod's catastrophic deed warning them so that they would be safe. The Three Wise Men themselves were warned by an angelic vision that if they too returned, they would be killed. So they travelled a different route home.

The arrival of the Three Wise Men or Three Kings at Bethlehem is honored in the Eastern Religions. This celebration is the Twelfth Day of Christmas. Gifts are exchanged as well. Commemorating the Three Wise Men or the Three Kings giving gifts to Jesus.

Many Latin Americans and Hispanics also celebrate Three Kings Day or the Feast of the Epiphany.

How the feeling of ANTICIPATION still continues on and on and on....and SoBoBo is quite honored to have celebrated each of these holidays - Ramadan, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, the Twelve Days of Christmas and the Feast of the Epiphany or Three Kings Day. Because in each society, belief, tradition, and ethnicity we all share in common the anticipation of what we can give to others as gifts and also, what we all would like to receive as gifts from others. Age also has no bearing on this commonality...

Hence, "...As WE lay asleep ALL snug in our beds...WE ALL have visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads..."

After all, Judy's sugar plum is the handcrafted silver jewelry with green garnet or amethyst that Harry will give her. Dad's sugar plum is the leather wallet made from Sea Leather. Mom's sugar plum is the handwoven Thrawl. Harry's sugar plum is the lithograph of "Mama Said There Would Be Days Like This.." Sally's and Eddy's sugar plum are handmade Remember Me Teddy Bears made from Daddy's shirt so when he is away fighting for Democracy they can hold him close. Aunt Clara is hoping that her sugar plum is the painting or the collage she pointed out...

So, DO COME AND VISIT...ENJOY THE ENERGY AS IT INSPIRES YOU...CHOOSING THE SUGAR PLUM FOR SOMEONE CLOSE TO YOUR HEART! For "...As WE lay asleep ALL snug in our beds...WE ALL have visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads..."

As always,