Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Today

We all know the history of Thanksgiving in the beginning. But, what is Thanksgiving today? We all sit at the table of food a plenty; passing around the mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, and turkey. "Pass the corn please." "Pass the rolls." "Pass the butter." "Pass the bacon..." Bacon? Some do put bacon on top of their turkey when they roast it....so, yes, "please pass the bacon...."

These economic times have weighed heavy on us...unemployment near double digits (there are many who cannot collect unemployment anymore and we mustn't forget them); jobs are a plenty, however, one cannot survive on $8.00 per/hour; people are losing the roof over their heads; now that our job market has moved overseas and those citizens are becoming affluent we look to them to perhaps buy airplanes, and certain cars from us which are pretty much all that is left. Our clothes, toothpaste, foods, etc. are imported. Labels don't even tell you where things are made anymore - it has been changed to "distributed by:" no longer "made in." Warning labels are placed on jewelry stating "don't allow children 14 years old and younger wear this piece" because of the lead and cadmium levels....oh, yeah the heck with everyone else...So, we ask "What do we have to be thankful for?"

We are thankful for being alive, for having the ingenuity to create, for being able to develop ideas taking them to the level of products and services, for wheeling and dealing with "in kind" method of payment, for living in a country that allows us to think and create and develop and become sustainable -- we did it once before we will do it again!

Each of us may be experiencing at least one of the horrors of the economic issues taking place, but we learn of someone else's situation and we realize we should truly be thankful for what we have and we then pray for those who have nothing and see what we can do to help them.

We always were taught about the atrocities in other countries - the lack of opportunity, the lack of work, the poverty levels more than double digits, the lack of food, pure water, of the death and diseases -- that we should pray for them and if we can, help them, i.e., U.N.I.C.E.F. Do think about the countries where the companies/corporations have gone to as they take advantage of others and reap more in profits - the people, the companies/corporations' new employees, don't have the inalienable rights to think, to create, to develop ideas because of the oppression they experience on a daily basis...and think about it - putting food on their tables with the menial wages they are making is a miracle to them! In an ironic almost satirical fashion, our prayers have been answered though with great sacrifice, but they have been answered.

We did it once before we will do it again! Sure our way of life has changed, for some dramatically, but you know what?, we need to remember "Order Always Comes Out of Chaos."

So, as Thanksgiving arrives tomorrow, remember who you are, what you can do and how you can make it happen for yourself and others because its only then you will be able to "Bring Home The Bacon" so that it will be passed around at your Thanksgiving table. And be thankful that you are able to!

Many Blessings as you bow your head in Thanks for what is...

Be thankful for what you have,
for you can have less.

Be thoughtful towards others,
so they may not go without.

Be hopeful of the future,
so we all (including Mother Earth)
will be healthy and prosper.