Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tonight's the Night!

"Walk in the Rain" - watercolor print - by Betty Geller

Tonight's the night! Put on your rain jacket, your galoshes and arm yourself with an umbrella to protect yourself from the spring rains... is time to meet artists at Firehouse Gallery who are exhibiting their work at the new exhibit "Botany." The reception begins at 6:00 pm....when you are through

...meander on down the avenue to SoBoBo Gallery to view the provocative art of Frieda Howling and try on the creations of Sally Ann Endleman....exhibit reception starts at 7:00 pm...

"Treasures" by Sally Ann Endleman

"Tear Drops" by Frieda Howling

...continue to Alpha's Jolly Jug for the sweet nectar of the the vino to take to

...Lazy Lobster to enjoy with a lobster roll or ribs... MUST stop at Wild Expressions to pick up that bouquet of flowers to bring

home with you the wonderful scents of the seasons to come....

...while you are there you just might find that cookbook, the book of flowers and plantings, or even the book of art....

A wonderful evening!!