Monday, March 7, 2011

Walk the Talk of the Town:Walnut Beach Art Stroll

"Shabby Sheep" - oils - by Marcia Wiltsie

Join us as Spring is being ushered in by the March Winds and Winter ends...thank heaven! Walk the Talk of the Town : Walnut Beach Art Stroll on Thursday, March 10th!

The evening begins at 6:00 pm at Firehouse Gallery, 81 Naugatuck Avenue. When the reception winds down, meander down Naugatuck Avenue to SoBoBo at 42 Naugatuck Avenue where the exhibit reception for Marcia Delane-Wiltsie, March's Artist, will be taking place, starting at 7:00 pm. She will be there for you to meet as well as Lara Sendich, ...featured artisan...Learn more about them and their talents...

As soon as you are done, you must stop at Alpha's Jolly Jug for their wine tasting. Enjoy the aroma of the wine has it hits your tastebuds...perhaps purchase a bottle for home....

Afterwards...head down Naugatuck to the stop sign and take a right onto Broadway...Make sure you listen, you may hear music playing...and without realizing it you will end up sitting in Wild Expressions and Collected Stories!

You see, magical things happen when the March Winds blow!!!

Enjoy the evening, enjoy meeting your friends, and enjoy the fact that Winter is ending and Spring is beginning!